Dinopark tycoon
StrategyDinopark tycoon is a pretty original game, not in the game itself because there are other games that have you running an amusement park but this one has you running a park that has dinosaurs. You start the game with a 5000 dollar loan from the…

Mega lo Mania
StrategyAfter populous was released, which was the first god-game ever, a lot of games came out that used the same basic formula with some additions. Mega lo mania is god game in which you can select one out of four gods and the aim of the game is to…

StrategyCheckers is a strategic boardgame which uses an eight by eight grid and each player controls a number of pieces on the board. Each piece is the same and you can only move them one step at a time diagonally forward so the options for play are…

Centurion: defender of Rome
StrategyCenturion: defender of Rome is a strategy in which you play a centurion and your task is to conquer the known world. The world map contains the whole of current Europe, north Africa and part of the middle east. Not only can you take over a country…

Battle chess
StrategyIn case you don't know what chess is I suggest you do a search on the internet because I won't explain it here. Battlechess adds something with the intention of making the game more interesting for the casual player by having the pieces replaced…

Shadow president
StrategyAltough the title shadow president might believe you to think that this is about conspiracy theories about a second shadow government ala the X-files but this is not so. The game is named after the shadow network which in the game is used by…

Carrier command
StrategyCarrier command is a strategic game in which you control an aircraft carrier and all of its resources and your aim is to take over as many islands as possible. You carry four flying vehicles called mantas which you can use to attack any enemies…

UFO: enemy unknown
StrategyUFO: enemy unknown aka X-com was quite a sleeper hit when it was released, it's a tactical combat game but there is a lot more to it than that. You'll have a certain budget with which you can build a base from which you can launch aircraft that…

Millenium 2.2
StrategyAfter a nuclear war earth was made uninhabitable and mankind had to colonize other planets in the solar system. Now it is the 23rd century and you are the commander of of the moon base which houses the survivors. It's your job to make sure mankind…

War in Middle Earth
StrategyLord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien is probably among the most famous books of all time and they spawned loads of merchandise so inevitably there would be games as well. War in Middle Earth is a strategy wargame and as far as I know it is the…