Gamma force in pit of a thousand screams
MiscGamma Force in pit of a thousand screams is quite a rare game, in fact you couldn't really call it a game in the first place. It's really an electronic comic book down to the pages being turned over when a new scene is shown. The story is about…

Airborne ranger
ActionThe airborne rangers are elite units of the U.S. Army and their mission often involves going deep into enemy territory with little or no support. In this game you play a single ranger and you'll have to complete a number of missions ranging…

Eye of the beholder
RPGIn the 80's and 90's SSI had the exclusive contract with TSR to released games based on the AD&D license and release them they did. They were all based on the same basic engine that relied mostly on text and statistics to mimic the original…

Jordan vs. Bird – one on one
SportIt's quite common for a well known person to 'sponsor' a product but not often do you see two people in the same game. Jordan vs. Bird - one on one is a basketball game in which you can take control of one of them and play against the other…

Millenium 2.2
StrategyAfter a nuclear war earth was made uninhabitable and mankind had to colonize other planets in the solar system. Now it is the 23rd century and you are the commander of of the moon base which houses the survivors. It's your job to make sure mankind…

PuzzleIn boulderdash you play a miner called Rockford and you are trying to make a fortune looking for diamonds in the mines. There are plenty of dangers along the way like falling boulders and unfriendly beasts not to mention that the mines themselves…

Ghosts ‘n goblins
ActionGhosts 'n goblins is a classic platform game and altough the story is the same as any other game it's the gameplay where this games excels. You play the part of a knight named Arthur (maybe a young king Arthur?) and while you are having a nice…

Al-Qadim: the genie’s curse
RPGSSI released many rpg's with an AD&D license in the 80's and 90's many of which were based on the engine from the gold box series. Al-Qadim uses a more graphical engine similar to the one used in Dark sun with an overhead view but it is…

ActionAfter a bizzare experiment went wrong three people were transformed into giant monsters and now you can pick one of them and terrorize the city! You can select from a giant werewolf (Ralph), ape (George) or "godzilla" (Lizzie). The aim is to…

Fist 2: The legend continues
ActionFist 2: the legend continues is the sequel to the popular fighting game way of the exploding fist however unlike the first game you don't fight against opponents in rounds but part of the game has you adventuring to find sacred scrolls. These…