Batman the caped crusader
PuzzleAltough comic book heroes and movies have always been popular as a choice for games developers this game is somewhat of an departure from the average type of game to come out of it. In Batman the caped crusader you play the part of batman in…

Vegas gambler
SimulationVegas gambler is exactly what the titly suggests, you play the part of a person who has 500 dollars to bet with and where better than to do that in Vegas. There are four games you can play: video poker, roulette, black jack and ofcourse the…

Myth – history in the making
ActionMyth - history in the making caused quite a stir back when it was released for the C64 as system 3 were pretty well known back in those days. It featured lifelike character movement and graphics pushing the limits of the hardware. You play the…

Decathlon, The Activision
SportDecathlon or The Activision Decathlon as the full name is is about the sporting event where you have to compete in ten different events. These are: 100m dash, longjump, 110m hurdles, discus throw, javelin throw, 400m dash, polevault, shotput,…

Ormus saga, the
RPGMany RPG's in the beginning of computer game era had an overhead view which technically was the only real way of showing things back then. The ultima series pioneered this and after that many games were released that looked similar. The ormus…

Dark sun: shattered lands
RPGSSI released many rpg's based on the advanced dungeons and dragons rulebook (AD&D) like the pool of radiance series and the dark queen of Quinn and it's followups. All of them were based on the same engine with a small 3D screen at the top…

RacingToday's racing games are 3D multimedia extravaganzas with their incredible graphics and sound effects. 20 years ago graphically games were incredibly simple compared to new games but if you're talking about gameplay things aren't that clearcut.…

Up ‘n Down
ActionOnce in a while I come across a game in my collection that I have never played before, you never know what to expect as it can turn out to be a total waste of time or if you're lucky it turns out to be a gem. Up'n down falls in the latter category…

Police quest 1
AdventureAnyone remotely interesting in games should instantly recognize the Sierra name and altough they make diverse game these days in the beginning it seems like they made only adventure games. Police quest is one of their adventure series and unlike…

MiscIf you haven't heard of Monopoly then you've probably been hiding under a rock for the past 60 or so years. It is a game in which you go around a board buying property and trying to put your competition out of business and thereby becoming a…