Ormus saga, the
RPGMany RPG's in the beginning of computer game era had an overhead view which technically was the only real way of showing things back then. The ultima series pioneered this and after that many games were released that looked similar. The ormus…

Dark sun: shattered lands
RPGSSI released many rpg's based on the advanced dungeons and dragons rulebook (AD&D) like the pool of radiance series and the dark queen of Quinn and it's followups. All of them were based on the same engine with a small 3D screen at the top…

Ultima underworld: the Stygian Abyss
RPGThe ultima series is one of the longest running rpg series there is and many of it's releases had great innovations technical and gameplay wise. Ultima underworld - the Stygian abyss was one of the first RPG's that had a realtime 3D environment.…

Buck Rogers: Countdown to doomsday
RPGSSI released tons of RPG's in the 90's using their standard engine (which I don't know the name off). Most of the games played out in the forgotten realms but this one is one of the few with a scifi theme. Buck Rogers: countdown to doomsday…

Eye of the beholder
RPGIn the 80's and 90's SSI had the exclusive contract with TSR to released games based on the AD&D license and release them they did. They were all based on the same basic engine that relied mostly on text and statistics to mimic the original…

Al-Qadim: the genie’s curse
RPGSSI released many rpg's with an AD&D license in the 80's and 90's many of which were based on the engine from the gold box series. Al-Qadim uses a more graphical engine similar to the one used in Dark sun with an overhead view but it is…

Realms of Arkania
RPGRealms of arkania is a game that is based on a German RPG series calles 'Das Schwarze Auge' which literally means the black eye. The game itself has various different elements as it has a nice and large 3D view of your surroundings but fights…

Legacy, the
RPGThe majority of RPG's is set in ancient or fantasy world so it's always refreshing to see one that plays out in modern (more or less) times. In the legacy you play as the heir of Winthrop manor and seeing that the person who owned it has passed…

RPGXenomorph is an RPG that uses an engine similar to that of dungeon master and it shows your surroundings in the main screen with the rest of the screen taken up by your character and arrows for moving. The story shows your space ship making…

Eye of the beholder 2
RPGOriginal RPG's were usually not very graphic and it wasn't until dungeon master that you could easily move and interact with items using your mouse. Eye of the beholder was released shortly after that and it improved the graphics as well as…