RacingToday's racing games are 3D multimedia extravaganzas with their incredible graphics and sound effects. 20 years ago graphically games were incredibly simple compared to new games but if you're talking about gameplay things aren't that clearcut.…

Indianapolis 500
RacingThe Indianapolis 500 is a race where a bunch of extremely powerefull cars race around a track until they have driven 500 miles. The track is dead simple and goes around around in a single oval but when driving around at 200+ miles per hour a…

Super Monaco GP
RacingGames have come a long way since I started playing them especially in the 3D department like first person shooters and driving games. Super Monaco GP was first released in the arcades and as far as I know it featured only the Monaco track but…

Stunt car racer
RacingStunt car racer is a very non-standard racing game in which you drive a car around a rollercoaster like track. There are four divisions with different difficulty levels, each containing three drivers and two tracks. You start in division four…