Super Monaco GP
RacingGames have come a long way since I started playing them especially in the 3D department like first person shooters and driving games. Super Monaco GP was first released in the arcades and as far as I know it featured only the Monaco track but…

ActionQwak is a rather strange name for a game and even if you consider that you play a duck it's still strange why you would name it like that. Anyways qwak is an action/puzzle game where you have to guide a duck to collect all the keys on a level…

Oregon trail, the
MiscIn the Oregon Trail you play the part of a band of pioneers heading west from a town called Independance with your final destination in Oregon city itself. Stock up on supplies and things before you set off and stay alive on the trail by trading,…

Camel trophy
ActionCamel trophy is a collection of minigames some of which have very little to do with the actual offroad event. There are five in total and here is a short description of them.
Event 1: drop supplies from a cargoplane onto the correct landingzone,…

ActionI came across this game when I was searching for another game that had some similar gameplay mechanics ie. jumping around the screen collecting stuff. This wasn't what I was looking for though but decided to include it on the site anyway.

James bond 007: A view to a kill
Interactive FictionA view to a kill was the fourteenth movie in the James Bond series. It spawned an action game which took three scenes from the movie and put you in charge of 007 himself. This game starts from the first scene where James comes across the body…

Buck Rogers: Countdown to doomsday
RPGSSI released tons of RPG's in the 90's using their standard engine (which I don't know the name off). Most of the games played out in the forgotten realms but this one is one of the few with a scifi theme. Buck Rogers: countdown to doomsday…

Centurion: defender of Rome
StrategyCenturion: defender of Rome is a strategy in which you play a centurion and your task is to conquer the known world. The world map contains the whole of current Europe, north Africa and part of the middle east. Not only can you take over a country…

Journey to the center of the earth – Adventure game
Interactive FictionAdventure games have come a long way since the beginning and even though they have been with us since the earliest mainframe computers recently there haven't been a lot released of them. Journey to the center of the earth is a very early game…

SportI have to admit that I've never really been into sports games, true occasionally there have been some that were fun to play most of which were multiplayer ones though. Hardball is a baseball game/simulator which incorperates a number of things…